Thursday, February 3, 2011

Still here

Just struggling with a really debilitating headache which seems to rear its ugly head at about 1.30pm and I can't seem to get rid of it so not sure what is going on.  I didn't train Wednesday because of it but have managed to stick to training the rest of the time.

Nutrition has been 90% but that is life.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


That's how I feel at the moment.  I just feel like everything is getting on top of me at the moment.  I got upset after spending some time with mum the day after her chemo, she just looked ill and I think deep down its just all getting to me, not to mention I started a training and nutrition plan 3 weeks ago which I have stuck to but sometimes it just seems so irrelvelent to me with the other things that are going on in my life.  It just seems to get in the way, like I constantly have to schedule in when to eat and what to eat and in that respect I am just getting sick and tired of it when I have more important things to concentrate on.  Sorry this is a bit of a rant...............I am even thinking of taking a week off the gym......on top of it all we are selling our house and with 2 young boys trying to keep everything tidy all the time is just hard work.

If I take a week of the gym part of me feels I will have let myself down but then there is that inner voice saying hey just because your goal was to complete something in 12 weeks doesn't mean you have let yourself down.  We are talking about a life time here and my mum is the most important thing to me right now and so is taking care of my family.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Life isn't fair

3 things have happened to my mum in the last 4 weeks!

1.  A bottle of Bella exploded in her hand and slit her tendons in her wrist, she had surgery and now in a cast.

2.  She found out she has her cancer back and has an operation to have a port put into her chest for chemo because she cannot have chemo in her arm due to her arm injury

3.  Yesterday morning she goes in for her 1st chemo and callopses.  Her lung has been punctured from the port!

I'm over it.  Would someone in the heavens please watch over my mum and keep her safe!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Just a tablespoon mixed in your veggies makes you so full and takes all your cravings away.  Don't fear the butter!

Figs stuffed with marscapone cheese

Yes my 1 slipup this week! I couldn't resist and hey that's life but I have been spot on for nearly 2 weeks so I'm not worried.  Kids were in daycare so hubby and I went to George Street in East Fremantle (I love that street) and had a coffee and they had all these wonderful desserts which is ok cause I'm not much of a dessert person, but when I see these stuffed figs and stuffed apricots I just had to try.  Hubby and I had half each.  It's just something you don't see around.

Tomorrow I am taking my free meal so we are going to go to a winery for lunch, may just end up having a salad as that is usually what I like to eat but I will be indulging in a couple of vino's.  I am not finding my eating plan at all hard, in fact I'm not even hungry to eat and sometimes wish I didn't have to eat.

A bit of background about my eating style, prior to starting this new challenge I went primal back in October last year and I loved it, whilst I gained 2kgs in scale weight I lost 2 inches off my waist and my cellulite decreased and my stomach got flatter and I cut my training down in half and all this in a couple of months.  I started to sleep better, my skin was better and my mood was always great.  I also suffered no PMT so it does work!  So with this new plan I am still sticking to primal foods but it certainly is not the same as the primal plan, but clearly following the plan sent to me, having said that I do know once I'm finished I will be reverting back to the way I was eating previously on my primal plan as I did find the food delicious, I had so much energy all the time.  I never could get rid of some of my cellulite and it was finally going and I liked the fact it was a lifestyle and I only ate if and when I was hungry and if I wasn't then I didn't.  Makes me wonder why I decided to change things a bit, I think for me though it wasn't so much about needing an eating plan it was a training plan, I was starting to just give up and needed guidance in that area.  So I will just plod along and see what happens.

Training has been spot on but it usually is, scale weight not much change at all and I don't feel any different but it is early days.  Just damn tired all the time!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Girly night

Went out on a girls night out last night to a wine bar.  It was good, had a few wines and we ordered some platters to share.  We were there by 6pm so left around 9.45pm and home by 10.30pm.  It was nice to go to bed a decent time and not wake up hung over.  This was my cheat meal for the week, so all of the last week went exactly to plan in the training and nutrition department.

One week down, 11 weeks to go!

Monday, January 10, 2011

On track

Day 2 and I am still on track, in fact i am finding I am not at all hungry and could quite easily not eat all my scheduled meals but I am determined to follow the rules 100%.

Training spot on, it was cardio day today so i did spin, I also decided to renew my gym membership for another year.

We have a birthday party to go to this afternoon for the kids at Hungry Jacks and I am not keen on the idea of them eating the junk food as we have had something on the last 3 nights and all they have had is party food, but what can you do, I am sure once this one is over that is it for a while.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The start of my 3 month challenge

So today is day 1 of my 3 month challenge.  I am really doing this because I want to change the shape of my body and tighten things up a little and also for the last 6 months although I have been working out I have just had no direction and I am certainly one of those people that needs some direction or I get lost and just not motivated.

I have also noticed that the older I am getting my thoughts about working out have changed quite alot, and whilst I use to go hard and heavy I really now just want to keep fit and healthy.  That aside, I am doing this 3 month challenge to try and get my best body possible and then my plan will be to relax a little and just keep fit and healthy.  My 2 boys just keep me so busy that I need this to be an overall lifestyle not just to be busting my ass off at the gym all the time.

So I am considering renewing my gym membership this year and then at the end of the year joining a pilates place, that is if I enjoy the beginners course and that will be my main focus for 2012.  I have never done pilates before but for me maybe its time to try something new, afterall it may just be the solution.

Right, so today nutrition is on check and exercise is done and dusted.  I am just about due for meal 2 and I'm not even hungry so that is a good thing.  I think I am going to do quite well on this meal plan as I have been following paleo type eating prior to this and didn't find that hard at all!