Friday, January 21, 2011

Life isn't fair

3 things have happened to my mum in the last 4 weeks!

1.  A bottle of Bella exploded in her hand and slit her tendons in her wrist, she had surgery and now in a cast.

2.  She found out she has her cancer back and has an operation to have a port put into her chest for chemo because she cannot have chemo in her arm due to her arm injury

3.  Yesterday morning she goes in for her 1st chemo and callopses.  Her lung has been punctured from the port!

I'm over it.  Would someone in the heavens please watch over my mum and keep her safe!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry to hear what is happening with your poor Mum. My mum had to have a port too.You must be just about beside yourself with having to see your mum go through this, It's harder for her being the one going through it all, but it also affects everyone else who loves her. Lots of love and strength to you all. I pray that things are on the up and up for your family, especially your beautiful mum xxx
