Sunday, January 30, 2011


That's how I feel at the moment.  I just feel like everything is getting on top of me at the moment.  I got upset after spending some time with mum the day after her chemo, she just looked ill and I think deep down its just all getting to me, not to mention I started a training and nutrition plan 3 weeks ago which I have stuck to but sometimes it just seems so irrelvelent to me with the other things that are going on in my life.  It just seems to get in the way, like I constantly have to schedule in when to eat and what to eat and in that respect I am just getting sick and tired of it when I have more important things to concentrate on.  Sorry this is a bit of a rant...............I am even thinking of taking a week off the gym......on top of it all we are selling our house and with 2 young boys trying to keep everything tidy all the time is just hard work.

If I take a week of the gym part of me feels I will have let myself down but then there is that inner voice saying hey just because your goal was to complete something in 12 weeks doesn't mean you have let yourself down.  We are talking about a life time here and my mum is the most important thing to me right now and so is taking care of my family.

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